SimCity 310: Cape Trinity

AngelikMayhem's Difficulty Rating:
Deceptively Painful

The lore of the area is based around the fact that this is a small peninsular land mass that juts out into Trinity Lake. This region has been billed as being a very balanced level good for beginners, but I disagree. This is a great spot if you're good at specializing in oil, but the rest of the resources are fairly lacking: wind power is low across all three locations and there aren't really any other resource deposits of note.

I think the talk about how easy this one is derives from the fact that a) this was the region featured in all three beta tests, and b) two of the three city sites are flat as boards making them easy to zone. While both of those things are true -- and conducive to an easy start -- I would caution that if you plan on trying to climb the leaderboards, this region is not going to be your friend in the long run.

Cape Trinity (Clearwater is in the foreground)

City Sites

  • Clearwater
  • Norwich Hills
  • Trinity Point


What we can see from the chart above (ratings provided by Maxis) is that Clearwater and Trinity Point have nothing to offer in terms of resources. This puts the full brunt of the extraction on Norwhich Hills -- giving that mayor a heavy burden but a clear path to prosperity. By digging up the coal and oil and turning them into power, you can help the other two cities balloon in size.

As a whole, the wind on this level is awful -- which makes me think that solar panels are going to be the end game here. All three cities should be prepared to carpet a corner with concentrated solar arrays. All three sites have a wind speed of 7 mph -- not conducive for long term growth. Further more, on closer inspection of the map of Norwhich Hills, the "2" ratings given by Maxis for coal and oil are very gracious indeed. Be mindful of how quickly those resources can run out.

A warning -- make sure you have a friend in Norwhich Hills, because an unscrupulous mayor might hang the other two cities out to dry.

City Site Size

These city sites are smaller than others, making them even harder. You must think carefully about how you want to lay these out and plan ahead for your specialization.

Advanced Strategy

This is one of the harder regions because there are only three city sites and they are spartan to say the least.

Trinity Point is surrounded by water, so this is going to be the spot to plop down some serious docks and trading centers. I think Clearwater is a great place to set up a university. Norwich Hills is your full on mining town and I would also use it to hold garbage and sewage. As long as all the mayors work together, you should be able to balance the deficits of each city site and create a nice trade network.

Recommended Specializations

  • All City Hall Modules: Clearwater
  • All Water Stuffs: Trinity Point
  • Industrial: Norwich Hills
  • [HQ] Education: Trinity Point
  • [HQ] Gambling: Norwich Hills
  • [HQ] Electronics: Clearwater
  • [HQ] Petroleum: Norwich Hills
  • [HQ] Metals: Norwich Hills
  • [S] Culture & Tourism: Trinity Point
  • [S] High-Denisty Commercial: Clearwater
  • [S] Waste & Sewage: Norwich Hills

Great Works (1)

There is only one great works site in this region. As a result, the decision over which great work to build is going to depend entirely on which direction you take your city sites. I would highly recommend discussing it at the beginning (if playing in a group) so that you are heading in a clear direction from the outset.

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