SimCity Site & Map: Nugget Plateau

I'm not sure that this one qualifies as a "Plateau", but it certainly qualifies as a "Nugget". This is a good chance to top the leaderboard with your Metal HQ.

Elevation and Terrain

Mostly flat, there's a slight grade in the northern part of this site. In fact, the northwest corner has surrendered a small chunk of land to depression. There is a nearby mountain range that may cast some interesting shadows, but nothing will inconvenience your layout plans.

Water Table

The southern half of the map has a nice sized water patch, but it's not a lot. I recommend conserving your water as best you can on this one.


There's a sizable hunk of coal and two separate medium-sized veins of metal ore. Combined, these two blotches of red represent one of the highest concentrations of metal in the game.

Usable Land

No waterfront is a bummer on this one. The train comes in along the eastern border and the highway entrance is in the southwest corner.

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