SimCity Site & Map: Brakeman's Folly

Elevation and Terrain

Even though this site is crammed in amongst the cliffs, it's mostly flat. The southeast corner has a crater-like depression, but there's two ramps running down to it. One of those ramps should be for your rail line and the other should be for whatever road you want to track down there.

Water Table

The water table runs down into the depression -- where it's pure blue. Near the road, you're going to find mostly dry areas, so I suspect that abutting your industry up to the road that runs through and then building your residential around that might be the way to go. There are also two empty spaces (no water) in the southwest corner.


This is a great metal ore site. Just south of the road, the whole west side of the map is littered with metal. In the southeast corner -- inside the depression -- you have a large pocket of oil.

Usable Land

Since it's mostly flat, you're in luck. Sadly, there's only a tiny bit of water access -- just enough for a ferry and maybe a trade port if you lay them out correctly.

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