SimCity Site & Map: Trader's Ridge

Trader's Ridge is the perfect name for this location. It's a combination of a major waterfront from which you can launch trade ports with a mountainous ridge full of resources.

Elevation and Terrain

The ridge itself juts well into the map and it's wide cliffs take up lots of space. This, combined with the major coastline that also accompanies this site will severely limit your options in terms of layout. In fact, three of the four borders supply you with a plethora of waterfront.

Water Table

Soaking, yet still a huge dry spot on top of the ridge to accommodate both industry and your coal mines.


The ridge contains several nice pockets of coal, while the beach hides a small, yet deep field of oil and a shotgun blast of metal ore veins.

Usable Land

The highway actually loops around the ridge and then back out of the site. The rail, on the other hand, also enters on the south border but just ends near the water. Normally, this would signal a nice tourism setup, but I don't think you could get that to pay off on this particular level. Three borders full of water and a huge rocky outcrop leave you little room for experimentation. This is a perfect spot for manufacturing and mineral extraction; a lousy spot for a megalopolis.

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