SimCity 248: Community Colleges

The community college is a unique piece in the education system. Firstly, it generates highly-trained workers who blossom your industrial sector -- making it more productive. This has a net effect of generating large amounts of revenue. But it also has a direct effect on any nearby industrial zones. The closer an industrial zone is to a community college, the higher it will rank in terms of tech level. The result of this gentrification is cleaner factories and more money.

Modules: Additional Classrooms

The benefit of additional classrooms is obviously you can generate a larger number of graduating students. The downside, however, is that these classrooms are both large and unstackable -- meaning they are going to take up a huge chunk of your map. This shouldn't be a concern if your city is an industrial powerhouse, however you may want to outsource the community college to a neighboring city site if you can't spare the space.

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