SimCity 235: Hospitals

The hospital is the gold standard of health recovery in any industrialized nation. Where prevention fails, the doctors and nurses in your hospital will take up the slack. These facilities are infinitely better than the clinics they replace. Getting to the point where you can afford to build and maintain a hospital is a benchmark you should try to achieve as fast as possible.

Module: Sign

Since almost every patient that arrives at the hospital is lying on their back in an ambulance, I'm not really sure why you need the sign. But if the mood suits you, go for it.

Modules: Ambulance Bays

Same as in a clinic, your ambulances go out and snatch up sick Sims and rush them back to your hospital.

4 modules available

Modules: Wellness Centers

Wellness centers are standalone facilities that teach your Sims how not to injure themselves.

4 modules available

Modules: Patient Wings

When patients need time to recuperate because of a serious illness, these stackable wings provide your citizens with their own temporary bed and temporary CRT-style TV.

4 modules available

Module: Emergency Room

Conducts emergency diagnosis for very sick Sims.

Module: Surgery Center

Operates on Sims with severe injuries to save their lives.

Module: Laboratory

Conducts scientific research and lab tests.

Maximized Layout

Here is a top-down view of a hospital I built with all of the modules attached. I think this is the most compact layout that you can get. The wellness centers are on the road behind the hospital and the whole thing fits neatly into my city grid squares.

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