SimCity 232: Police Station

Police stations are the first line of defense for a new city against it's growing population and the criminals it births. At first when you build your city, everyone is oddly sociable and well adjusted. However, as the city grows, if you fail to provide any police protection, your city will descend into anarchy and some Lord of the Flies stuff that, frankly, I don't even want to think about.

The police station (shown above with all of the modules added) is the first and least expensive of the crime fighting ploppables, but it also has a limited range and effectiveness. Without additional buildings and upgrades, the two cops who come with it will become quickly overwhelmed by the crime families and gangs that naturally incubate inside a city.

Module: Jail

It's simple: when a cop finds a criminal, where's he going to put him? He can't just ride around the countryside with dozens of con men smashed into the back of his patrol car. That would be cruel and unusual. Building jails to house your criminals will allow you to slowly reduce the overall crime rate of the area around your station.

You can have up to four jail modules per station. One of them can get plopped on top of the station proper, however I think that looks goofy. It's better to lay the first two jail modules side by side and then plop the second two on top of the first two. It takes up a little more space, but I think it's worth it.

Module: More Cop Cars

Adding more and more cop cars is very important. Each pair of cop cars you add to your fleet will reduce crime exponentially. I highly recommend maxing out your bruiser cruisers whenever you can.

Module: Sign

It's a sign. It says "Cops" just in case there are English-speaking tourists in the area who need help or directions.

Module: Flag Pole

It's a flag pole. I adds that little bit of something that you'll only notice while you're plopping it down because the thing is so freakin' thin that a thousand times you pass by the police station you'll never see it.

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