SimCity 234: Large Police Station

Before you get all huffy, a precinct and a station are the exact same thing. Don't believe me? Google it. In the meantime, I refuse to contribute to the insanity over at Maxis. If "large fire station" was acceptable, I don't see why "large police station" wasn't as well.

Anyway, the large police station is the most compact and vastly upgradable building in SimCity. It has a staggering number of modules yet takes up less space when fully upgraded than most of the other equally-expanded ploppables in the game.

Modules: Sign

Don't worry: convicts know where they are. Besides, when was the last time you saw a police "precinct" with enough cash to buy a three-story monolith to hang outside their building?

Modules: Dispatch Tower

Gets your cops out faster. It improves the overall response time of your police force.

Modules: Patrol Car Lot

Adds patrol cars the same way as in smaller police stations, but it adds more patrol cars with each plop. The result is that you get more cops on the road faster, but you also increase your monthly police expenses faster.

4 modules for a total of 28 patrol cars

Modules: Jail Cells

Same as in smaller police stations -- they even stack the same way.

4 modules

Modules: Crime Prevention Centers

Work on educating your Sims, making them less vulnerable to crimes.

4 modules, shared with detective wing

Modules: Detectives Wing

Search houses and work on getting particularly wily criminals like murders and arsonists.

4 modules, shared with crime prevention centers

Modules: Helipads

Airborne crime fighting: you can't beat it. These sky cops drop in on your the criminal underbelly unexpectedly with handcuffs gleaming in the searchlights.

4 available


You can actually pack this one in quite tightly to save space. They take up almost the same amount of space as a small police station. The photo above is the same as the one at the head of this article, except it's from another angle to show the other modules that I stacked in the rear.

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