SimCity 114: Commodities

Building houses, shops, and factories for your Sims is important, but there's only so much money you can extract from your populace without causing them to riot. So for the adventurous mayor with expensive appetites, you're going to want to set up industrial sources of income. To do that, you must first learn the basics of resources.


There are five main resources available in the game. When you choose a city site, there are varying levels of resources that you have a chance to use to make power and/or goods. Some cities have no resources while others are overflowing with all five.

  • Coal
  • Metal Ore
  • Crude Oil
  • Water
  • Wind

Resources don't last forever. Water aquifers and oil deposits will dry up and coal and metal will run out. Wind is the one resource that never goes away -- though it may wane from time to time. But the others are temporary and fleeting. Never mortgage the fate of your city entirely on these resources and the industries around them because when those resources run out, your economy (and your city) will collapse.

Manufactured Goods

After extracting these various raw materials from the ground, you can then process them into refined and manufactured goods using smelters, factories, and other trade-related ploppables. These processed goods can then be sold to other city sites or to the global market to create a new source of cash (other than taxes) into your city.

  • Industrial Freight
  • Alloy
  • Refined Metal
  • Plastic
  • Processors
  • Televisions
  • Computers

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